‘Our reaction was excellent’ – Marine survive early scare to dominate Glossop North End

Marine manager Neil Young was pleased to see his side bounce back against Glossop North End after falling behind to an early goal.

He did admit that he was slightly disappointed that his side didn’t win by a healthier scoreline after dominating the visiting side.

They fell to an early goal from Khius Metz inside the opening five minutes before Ryan Wignall made in two goals in two with a superbly deft volley to level.

On the stroke of half-time, James Barrigan – captain on the night – fired into the back of the net from the spot after a piece of lacklustre defending from Glossop.

The Mariners had a number of standout performers in a collectively brilliant team display with Neil Kengni, Bayleigh Passant and the centre-back pairing of Dean Winnard and Danny Shaw taking the spotlight.

“It was probably the worst thing that could’ve happened to us really [going behind] Glossop are coming there expecting a really tough game and then we give them a goal, give the ball away in the middle of midfield in a bad area, don’t clear our lines and the lad puts in the net and that gives them a massive lift,” Young admitted to Off The Park.

“I thought our reaction was excellent we never took our foot off the gas, they couldn’t get out, they were just clearing it and we kept coming back with attack after attack.

“Some good football, we just couldn’t get the ball in the back of the net until Ryan with a good finish. That’s my only concern that we need to create a little bit more when we have a lot of the play and obviously when we create we need to finish that’s the bit at the moment we aren’t getting quite right.

“Neil’s got great quality, that’s probably the best performance he’s put together but we’ve also got to remember he virtually missed all of pre-season he got injured quite early.

“He never played one pre season game, we had to throw him in first game of the season and ever since he’s been playing catch up, he’s been getting frustrated with himself but last night he put a lot into the game, his performance probably deserved a goal.

“I thought the two centre-backs were excellent, Winnard’s come in after two games and Danny Shaw come into the team in the absence of Anthony Miley and he’s done really good.

“To not have Miley, Raven, Solomon-Davies and Joyce and still look as solid as they did last night is a credit to the four lads that were in that back four last night.

“It was managing the goal, you’ve always got to be wary when it’s 2-1, a set-piece or a shot. But I don’t remember them having a shot or Bailey having a save to make.

“He’s done well coming for crosses, corners and free-kicks, I don’t remember him making a save, I might be wrong, I can’t think of one.

“We’ve hit the bar, the post, goalkeepers made a few good saves, whipped some past the post. If we got that third goal it knocks them a bit and you probably do go on and four or five.

“Credit to them they stayed in the game under immense pressure and from our lads perspective they managed the game well. But for a manager you’d like the third to take the pressure off a bit.”

[Featured image: Susan Nugent//Added image: Barry’s Photography]