Marine face tough Warrington Rylands test with Neil Young happy with home form

Neil Kengi duels during Marine's clash with Prescot Cables.

Marine manager Neil Young is not focusing too hard on their recent home defeat as they face ‘tough’ Warrington Rylands.

Their Boxing Day defeat to Bootle sparked the end of their winning run at Rossett Park but it meant they’d won nine out of 10 clashes in their backyard.

Young expressed he was happy with the run they went on and insisted they’re not happy but they’re looking to put the foundations in place for another run.

They haven’t played since New Year’s Day where Neil Kengni scored the only goal in a win over Prescot Cables as their visit to Trafford last week fell victim to the adverse weather.

Ahead of that match, they welcomed Steven Irwin back to the club but whilst the Mariners chief didn’t rule out further additions he did express the difficulty in finding reinforcements.

“We brought Steven Irwin in, brought him back to the club after a spell away from football,” he told Off The Park. “We’re working on bits and bobs, not having much luck in bringing players in at the moment but we’re still working very hard to try and get something done this week, if not that’ll carry on into next week.

“It’s about getting the right players, don’t want to add numbers we don’t need that, as I said to improve us we need to add quality, real quality because we’ve got a real good squad of players and finding that quality at the moment it’s difficult.”

Rylands visit Liverpool on the back of a resilient 2-1 win over Mossley where they needed a stoppage-time winner to keep the pressure on Marine and Workington.

Saturday sees the battle of first and third but whilst Young played down the importance he reiterated the importance of winning as those lurking in their shadow continue to add three points to their tally.

“We look at every game the same I’m if honest, some are more difficult than others but there’s no easy games in the league. This one, we’re top and they’re third so in terms of the league, it’s a tough game, they’re a very good side.

“I watched them last week against Mossley, they showed great resilience to win the game but it’s no more important than Mossley on Tuesday or Kendal next Saturday, it’s three points there’s still a long way to go and we’re only just halfway through the season.

“If you look at the league table and last week, teams keep on winning, keep winning and we’ve got to try and match that if we’re to stay where we are. 

“We’ve beat Prescot, then no game. A lot was made of the Bootle game which is unfortunately the world we live in. You can win nine games and lose one and people want to concentrate on the one you’ve lost, I’d rather concentrate on the nine we’ve won.

“You’re going to lose football matches, that’s inevitable. We’ve gone over that in terms of how we lost that, we’re not happy with it, I prefer to look at the positives and the nine wins previously which is an unbelievable record. If you told me at this stage, you’d win nine out of 10 home games I’d be very happy with it. 

“They’re a good side, got good players, made good additions. They strengthen continually. They’re a good side with good players, the boy [Callum] Dolan is very good. It’s a difficult game, they done superb last year, they’ve obviously invested and looking at going again. It’s going to be a tough game.”

[Featured image: Alan Rowlands]

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