Lower Breck confront harsh home truths after latest defeats but pride remains on the line

Lower Breck celebrate against Prestwich.

Lower Breck manager Gary Moore has made a brutal admission after their recent back-to-back defeats.

The Breck boss failed to rule the season off completely, insisting there is still a lot to play for in their final three games of the season.

They squandered a lead against Prestwich Heys before falling to defeat against Wythenshawe Town in the Macron Cup.

“Thirty-five minutes against Prestwich, started very well by scoring quick but they had the better of the next 10 minutes, for what followed, we were quality probably some of the best football we’ve played all season, scored some great goals, looked good in and out of possession, worked our socks off,” he told Off The Park.

“They got a goal back, that’s when you’ve got to see it out but ill-discipline again, a silly sin bin cuts you down to 10-men. Similar thing to Wythenshawe, you don’t want to be to harsh and you don’t want it to come across too harsh but [it’s] shambolic to be honest.

“First goal, you’ve been done by a half-decent goal but second and third goals are poor. We’ve scored on half-time and were back in the game, by far the better team in the second half but you can’t give teams like that a three-goal lead.

“Second half, lads went out and did perform then a red card, story of the season summed up in the 90 minutes. 

“It’s something like we’ve been looking at for the last few months [where they go next]. We want to bring new players in of course, we’ve got quality players at the club, are they quality players who want to play for themselves or play for a team, be apart of something, build something – they’re all the questions you ask.

“We’re sitting here with a list of targets who we want to have a chat with and see if we can bring them in the summer and gel another side together. We thought we had a summer that was going to have a good season, not saying we were going to win it, but thought we’d have a good season and for one reason or another it didn’t work.

“You can’t move forward getting lads sin binned for the most pathetic things and getting sent off for similar things, I’ll defend red cards this season we’ve been sent off for a couple of red cards that I’d question if they didn’t go in for but backchat to the referee, arguing with other players and stuff like that it, it’s simply not good enough.

“Us as a side, the manner in which we give goals away when we concede one, we look like we’re going to concede two, three, four, somethings got to change. 

“Last night we brought in three lads on duel registration just to get a team out, one or two on the bench have been ill, one lads played 20 minutes of football in eight months so we brought in a few lads to get us over the line.

“A keeper and two wingers to help us, thanks to Ello [Michael Ellison City of Liverpool manager] and Carl McAuley [Witton Albion manager] for their help with that, the chips are down in terms of numbers and personnel. 

“It used to be a fortress Anfield Sports but I remember when Avro came up, it’s a leveller. Coming to our place, a lot of these away grounds the pitches aren’t in the great shape – that’s no disrespect, but teams are turning up saying they love playing on these.

“To come and play on these pitches, it’s a bit of a welcome thing for them because they’re playing on bumpy pitches or bogs. It’s been a learning curve where we haven’t been able to get our results at home and your home form sets you up for the rest of the season, it’s a learning curve, a massive one.

“Questions have got to be asked from every angle, I’ve questioned myself twice this season in terms of ‘are we the right type of people to take this set of lads of forward?’ When you balance it out, we’ve killed ourselves in every avenue we’ve got to build something going forward now, make sure we’re in a total different mindset next season.

“Pride’s got to be shown for the last few months. We got beat 7-0 away from home. You’ve got to bounce back with pride from that, I couldn’t fault the lads first half on Saturday so you know somethings there.

“Second half last night [against Wythenshawe] we played great football, at 3-1 we should’ve been 3-2, 3-3 it’s not all chips are down, footballs there. We know we can go to Barnoldwick, Winsford and Skem and beat these sides.

“But you’re not going to beat them with nine or 10 men on the pitch and you’re not going to beat them if you give goals away that’s another fact. Also for the supporters, it wasn’t our greatest gate last night and that’s coming from the performances ‘why watch Lower Breck on a Thursday night, they’re not even winning games’ but our loyal fan base has been there.

“We touched upon it last night, them people have already booked a coach for Saturday, they’re going to sort it for Winsford and they’ll sort it for Skem, nevermind playing for the club, play for them supporters as well who pay their money. It’s a cliche, but they’re honest people, there’s been comments on social media with a few people saying home truths, rightly so they come and watch and expect better.

“They’ve got a lot to play for over the next three games, three wins you’re climbing three, four, five places – it sounds better than finishing 17th or 18th if you’re finishing 12th or 13th. They’ve got a lot to play for.”

[Featured image: Bethany Lee]

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