‘We had the inquest’ – Gary Moore eyes Vauxhall Motors response as Lower Breck face Charnock Richard

Lower Breck vs Ashton Athletic

Lower Breck manager Gary Moore is hoping for a response from his side after they were beaten 6-1 by Vauxhall Motors. 

A flurry of second-half goals inflicted misery on the Breck after going in at the break a goal to the good. 

The defeat left a sour taste in the Lower Breck manager’s mouth in a result which had similar markings of their loss to Longridge earlier in the season.

Moore admitted that following the result, it has been harder to draw a line and move past it.

He told Off The Park: “We always try draw a line under it on Monday because we’ve got another game to prepare for but it wasn’t good, wasn’t pretty and none of us have come out of it with any credit. There’s nothing to take from the game, we’ve watched the game back and it’s just not a good day at the office full stop.

“Even in the first-half, we weren’t great, we had two or three chances through JJ but they were half chances and we were at six’s and seven’s, we were all over the place.

“We’ve had a good team talk at half-time and said: ‘Don’t go out there in the next 10 to 15 minutes and lose the game’ similar to what we did in the first half and we conceded two within five minutes – that tells what we’re feeling about it.

“You’ve got to pick it back up, there hasn’t been too many of them results. Even since the turn of the year, I can pinpoint one real bad performance but similar to Longridge when we got beat 5-1, questions have to be asked about it.

“No one covered themselves in glory, not the new lads, the older lads but it’s just another eye-opening performances where we’re asking to lads to do something and they’re doing something that’s the opposite.

“They can only have to question why they’re doing that and if they don’t want to follow instructions then questions are going to be asked moving forward.”

Former Ramsbottom United manager Lee Donafee was installed among Moore’s backroom staff last week where he will bring a wealth of knowledge including from his time with the Rams in the division above.

“It’s been documented we’ve brought in Lee [Donafee] to help us, he’s got plans, ideas and he’s got my full backing, he’s backing me and same as the other staff,” Moore added. “We know what we need, we’re going to have to change things. It’s not going to be done overnight but it was an eye-opening performance. 

“You look at Lee’s CV, it screams at you, we’ve made an appointment to kick on. I’m a manager who has come up the pyramid so I could do with some help from someone who has been around the block, he’s got contacts that I haven’t got and that’s what we need to move forward.

“Look at Vauxhall’s, we all want to kick on, if we can finish where we are now or a place or two before the end of the season, people will see that as a good season – we don’t. We know where we need to be and should be, we’ve got a good group, players have to buy into everything, what it takes to be a non-league player, not lose games in a manner.

“You’re going to have bad days at the office, Saturday was one, but you go two or three down, you don’t want to go four, five six, what are you going to do about that? It’s downing tools, giving up and it looks like we give up when the second and third went in, that’s the alarm bell. What do we do to change that?

“What do we do to be an Avro, a Vauxhall Motors next season? We’ve put plans in place, it’s not going to be a quick fix, we’ve got nine games to add to the group then we’ve got a big pre-season. It’s working with a group of lads who have full faith in us and we have full faith in them, even through the bad results,

“I’m learning all the time, you learn from these things but it doesn’t make it easier, it wasn’t pretty viewing. It certainly wasn’t good enough for our supporters who travelled over by train, taxis, what they’ve given to watch us, we learn from it, we move on. There’s 27 points to play for.”

The first opportunity to pick up three points out of a possible 27 is on Saturday when Charnock Richard visit Anfield Sports Park.

With the season ticking towards its conclusion, the Breck are looking to finish strong and they will need to respond from their last outing.

He said: “They’re a side who would’ve been expecting to challenge themselves, they won’t be happy with their season, we’ve played a lot of teams in and around us, it’s been mixed, we didn’t kick on when we needed to.

“We had a target and we’re not going to hit that target but there’s 27 points to play for, it was the same before Kendal, Ashton and into Vauxhall. We can beat anyone in this division but you won’t if you apply yourselves in the way we did on Saturday.

“We’ve had the inquest, a message has gone out, players are coming in this week, we’ve got to add to it, we can’t accept what we’ve seen. It’ll be positive when we train and a big performance on Saturday and put that one to the back of our minds.”

[Featured image: GO Sports Images]

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