City of Liverpool eyeing more of the same against Prescot Cables after Newcastle Town demolition

City of Liverpool manager Paul McNally post-match

City of Liverpool manager Paul McNally has his sights on a positive end of the season after their dominant win over Newcastle Town.

The Purps picked up their biggest win of the season as they fired six away from home during their 6-1 rout.

Jack Hazlehurst scored twice as City of Liverpool have five other goalscorers through Kevin Ellison, Max Allen, Tom Croughan and Karl Clair.

As a result of their win, they leapfrogged their next opponent Prescot Cables and for McNally, the result didn’t flatter the hosts.

“The result wasn’t flattering, the performance was a good performance and that was the most pleasing thing about it,” he told Off The Park.

“From 10 to 15 minutes in, we were decent then we went ahead but we could’ve gone two or three up, we just didn’t capitalise, they were still in the game.

“We come out second-half and we haven’t give them a sniff, we’ve blown them away and tore them apart. Six-one wasn’t an exaggeration of how good we was, it could’ve been 10 and their manager would say that same.

“It was good that the goals got dished around the team on the day. It was good that the other lads got in on the act and that we offer goal threat from other areas of the pitch, it was great for team morale.”

This weekend marks City of Liverpool’s return home after their impressive 3-0 win over Workington. They made it back-to-back wins since scoring nine times.

There’s been change since they met Prescot Cables at the Joseph Russell Stadium in November with the Pesky Bulls undergoing a managerial change when Kevin Lynch was replaced by Steven Daley.

They’ve enjoyed gradual progression under the former Page Celtic manager and the Purps boss is expecting a close clash at Vesty Road.

He added: “We’re always confident in our own ability but it’s a derby game and anything can happen. They’re always nip and tuck, no matter who we’re playing, no one hammers anyone – apart from getting beat the other week – but in previous derbies, it’s been tight. I’m expecting a really close game, a solid affair, it’ll be down to who wants it on the day or makes the less mistakes, that’s all it’ll be down to.

“The last time we played was a Friday night game, they were on the ascendancy at that time, the tables have swung a little bit we’ve got a few wins under our belts.

“Now, we’re a point ahead of them and for the first time this season, we’re ahead of them but it won’t mean anything on Saturday, it’ll be down to whether we can push on.

“No matter who we’re playing we’re trying to win, we could be playing Macclesfield Saturday and we’d still be looking to beat them. We’ve got five games left for our season and we’re trying to finish the season as positively as we can.”

[Featured Image: City of Liverpool]

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